Downtime Activities


Admin Avatar
Admin: お疲れ様でした Jun 9, 2015 17:02:11 GMT 7
brunof Avatar
brunof: Hope everyone could play this Sunday~ Jun 5, 2015 22:02:31 GMT 7
Admin Avatar
Admin: So the plan is SS will reach Finale at this Sunday. Jun 4, 2015 22:37:02 GMT 7
Admin Avatar
Admin: Maybe around June, and I might need to propel towards ending soon <_< May 24, 2015 19:46:49 GMT 7
Michalla Truesilver Avatar
Michalla Truesilver: "Let me know if your schedule allowed you to start another session in relatively normal circumstances again" May 24, 2015 14:04:01 GMT 7
Admin Avatar
Admin: @indie: nay, bruno and pega checked this place quite often May 21, 2015 8:28:01 GMT 7
Incendie Seraphina Avatar
Incendie Seraphina: ('_' ) ( '_') Suddenly feels this place is empty... Anyways.. I can play anytime I guess.. O_o)> But only on night.. :( May 20, 2015 20:51:42 GMT 7
Admin Avatar
Admin: The problem is, I can only play 2-3 hours per day; if I could play at all, that is.. May 20, 2015 14:10:40 GMT 7
brunof Avatar
brunof: I'm free for Friday or Sunday May 18, 2015 18:22:34 GMT 7
Admin Avatar
Admin: Now, when can we play next? I might be a bit busy for the next two weeks, that I do not know whether I can play long games or not... May 18, 2015 1:01:10 GMT 7
brunof Avatar
brunof: I'm in! Though I could join from around 20.00 WIB, now I've know my schedule May 13, 2015 0:06:47 GMT 7
Admin Avatar
Admin: Friday from around... 21.00... Anyone? May 12, 2015 17:41:06 GMT 7
Michalla Truesilver Avatar
Michalla Truesilver: "I shall join, hopefully" May 11, 2015 23:32:27 GMT 7
brunof Avatar
brunof: Great! I'm in between Thursday and Saturday, though if the session start at Friday, I'll probably be able join from 21.00 WIB~ May 11, 2015 19:36:39 GMT 7
Admin Avatar
Admin: What about this week (11~16)? Preferably between Friday/Saturday/Sunday though... May 10, 2015 17:25:25 GMT 7
brunof Avatar
brunof: I can play tomorrow (Saturday), but I can't play late until night (23.00 WIB at most) cause I'll go to Jakarta Sunday morning~ May 8, 2015 18:52:21 GMT 7
Admin Avatar
Admin: So when can anyone play again? I do not know if we can play, thus brunof might be having a session on Iron Talon this weekend May 8, 2015 1:23:11 GMT 7 *
Incendie Seraphina Avatar
Incendie Seraphina: ( '_') "..." *nods* May 1, 2015 22:28:40 GMT 7
Admin Avatar
Admin: Indeed.. May 1, 2015 22:06:48 GMT 7
Michalla Truesilver Avatar
Michalla Truesilver: "It has been a while, has it not?" Apr 30, 2015 10:38:50 GMT 7
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